Sunday, November 11, 2012

Die Farben des Herbst, The colors of Fall :D

 und Griasgood aus Bayern (Bayrisch).

Hallo und Grüß Gott aus Bayern (Southern Germany and Austria).

Hello and greetings from Bayern and more specifically, Passau. I wanted to start out by greeting you all in two of the ways they do it here in Passau. The first sentence is how the Byrisch would formally greet you. An informal greeting between friends would be Griasdi. The Byrisch people who would use these greetings are the people who grew up in or around Passau and other small towns in the southern parts of Germany. It is very hard to understand. Even my native German friends can't understand it. It makes it really interesting when asking for directions or trying to talk to someone in a grocery store, but you live an you learn.   :)

In bigger cities in the south of Germany, like Munich, you would use the second sentence as a formal greeting. To greet friends you would say Servus , which also doubles as goodbye. 

Now about the colors of Fall, I have been doing a lot of walking around this beautiful city and I have noticed that now in Fall the colors of the trees and other plants have begun to match the colors of the houses and buildings here in Passau. It is extremely beautiful and I wanted to share some of my photos with you all. The first 7 photos are from my daily walk to and from campus, photos 8-9 are from on top of Mariahilfberg (a church in Passau) and the view is looking down onto the Passau Dom and downtown Passau and the river Inn. The last two pictures are of Rachel (my fellow echange studet from EWU),a group of friends in the ERASMUS exchange program and I at group function with leaves in our hair. Hope you all enjoy this little bit of Passau that I have just shared with you! Until next time, Servus!
